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No-Recipe Recipe Ideas

No-Recipe Recipe Ideas

Take The Knorr Challenge: No-recipe Recipes!

Cooking without a recipe or ingredient list is a skill in and of itself. Are you up for the challenge? Don’t fret: if you can chop, fry, sauté or grill, cooking anything improvised shouldn’t be a problem for you!

Here are three basic Knorr recipe ideas. We’re challenging you to improvise with these ideas in your kitchen – add anything you want, swap ingredients as you please, and create a dish that you can truly call your own!

Don’t forget to tag us in your no-recipe recipe snaps! @knorrflavour on Instagram and @Knorr_ZA on Twitter.

One-Pot Lemon Chicken Dinner

How we make the dish

Season some chicken thighs with salt and pepper and place skin-side down in a large, well-oiled pan. Fry on both sides until the skin is golden brown and crisp. Transfer the thighs to a plate. Then add onion, garlic and millet to the pan and allow to cook, stirring often. Add water, a Knorr Chicken Stock Pot and dried thyme and stir well. Put the chicken thighs back into the pan and simmer until they are cooked through and the millet is tender. Add lemon juice and serve with slices of lemon and fresh coriander.

Ideas for improvising

  • Add fresh veggies of your choice, towards the end of the cooking time.
  • Use another nutritious grain in place of millet, such as quinoa or brown rice.
  • Introduce extra flavours with other herbs besides thyme and coriander.
  • Add a touch of spice to your dish with Rajah Curry powder.
  • Roast the chicken pieces in the oven instead of pan-frying them.

Roasted Whole Butternut Halves with Three Cheese Pasta Sauce

How we make the dish

Cut butternut in half and remove the seeds. Drizzle with a few glugs of olive oil, place in a greased oven pan and roast at 180˚C until tender. Scoop out some of the cooked butternut flesh, mash and set aside. Toss seasoned chickpeas with olive oil and bake in the oven until crisp. Meanwhile, blanch baby spinach leaves and drain well.

Prepare a sachet of Knorr Three Cheese according to the instructions on the packet. Fold the cooked spinach and mashed butternut through the sauce and use the mixture to stuff the butternut halves. Top with grated cheddar, return to the oven until golden and bubbling and serve with roasted chickpeas.

Ideas for improvising

  • Try wild greens such as umfino or young pumpkin leaves in place of baby spinach.
  • Scoop out all the butternut flesh, mix with the cheese sauce and spinach and use as a stuffing for gem squash or baked potatoes.
  • Try this recipe with sweet potatoes instead of butternut.
  • Top with feta cheese or blue cheese instead of cheddar.
  • Serve with toasted pumpkin seeds or roasted Bambara groundnuts instead of chickpeas.

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Exploring the Versatility of Knorr Products

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